Saturday, November 22, 2014

Who is your Suprise Franchise

Out of all of the teams this year which one stands out the most to you? I have to go with the franchise Justwin for me. In the beginning I had them pegged to have a god awful season but they have put together a decent year racking up wins this season. Could they possibly suprise the league and make for the playoffs? We shall see what the character of their team is in the weeks to come. Best of luck to all teams.


  1. Millrats and that whole division being tied for first is AWESOME! We have some great match ups and meaningful games for a lot of teams the final 3 weeks... TRADER's divisions - DAWG HOUSE & NORTH have every team with a chance to win the division and 2 teams duking it out in the TRADER's WEST and IDLER's EAST, NORTH, & SOUTH feature scenarios where all 3 teams are alive and 2 teams duking it out in IDLER's RAIDER NATION division... I'ts going to be Exciting!
